Thursday 5 May 2011

guru energy drink

holy shit? is this the first post?

facts about guru.

-someone pointed out that guru tastes like melted and carbonated gummi bears.
it's true.

-i just pulled one out of my fridge, and the can is squishy.
very disconcerting.

-they're veegz.

-the diet one tastes gross.
sucralose is fucking gross.
diet anything is sickittating.

-gurus are the only energy drink that i drink.

-because i read bad celebrity gossip blogs, drinking energy drinks makes me feel like a starlet with a hangover. ah, the semiotics of capitalism.

-sometimes i drink them instead of eating food.

-they don't make me crash like coffee does.
remind me of the signs of ginseng overdose in a few months.

-i have never seen any of these other cockamamie flavours.
'juicy'? 'full on'? come on, now.

guru, i loves you.

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