Friday 6 May 2011


  werk continues to suck, as it always has, and perhaps always will.  service industry werk especially.  jerk (mostly) man bosses, low wages, shitty repetitious tasks.  i'm reading Margaret Atwood's Alias Grace at the moment (which rules), and apparently, being a paid servant in 1850 in Canada sucked too; probably even more than it sucks now.

  i feel bad for all the young, bright eyed and bushy tailed service industry newbs who seem to feel lucky and fortunate, even grateful for this shit werk.  they're often not equipped to challenge derogatory bullshit behavior from their bosses and clients, and they often don't reciprocate bullshit behavior back on the boss (talking back, stealing shit, working slow).  be selective with your abilities and reserve that work-ethic for someone who deserves your hard work.

  and hey, i know we got it good in canada and '1st world' places, but shit could be better.  i just want workers to stand up for themselves and their dignity and challenge the bullshit in the work place.

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